Dentist in Hellesdon, Norwich

Our aim is to provide an excellent referral service by encouraging a good relationship between our practice and our referring dentists.
Our responsibility to evidenced based implant treatment modalities ensures consistent successful treatments and predictable functional and cosmetic solutions for all the patients we treat on your behalf. We are primarily concerned with good clinical outcomes and patient wellbeing, and through the ITI foundation, the worldwide independent research body for dental implantology, we ensure that treatment choices are based on sound clinical decisions.
Our practice is an established referral oral surgery, sedation and advanced dental implantology centre.
We also accept referrals for general dental procedures under intravenous and inhalational sedation. Our team has treated referrals from many dentists around Norfolk and Suffolk. The referral centre was established in 1998.

In everything we do, we are fully committed to the success of our patients� treatments and the long-term satisfaction of the patients we treat.
On receipt of referral, we will contact the patient within 7 working days, offering your patient a consultation appointment at which a detailed explanation and an estimate of costs will be provided. This is normally followed by a report detailing treatment and appointments required.
Our consultation gives the patient an opportunity to see and discuss the multiple treatment options available.
We ensure that referred patients are fully informed that they are seen purely on a referral basis, and will need to return to the referring practitioner for ongoing care once requested treatment has been completed.